Portugal’s occupy/15setembro movement unites to fight cuts on #s29

Portugal’s protest movement unites to fight cuts
Portugal’s anti-austerity protest this Saturday promises to be another big one after the organisers that brought as many as a million into the streets on September 15 swung behind the demonstrations and rallies planned by the CGTP trade union central.
The signatories of the manifesto ‘Fuck the troika! We want our lives!’  (see below) are asking the Portuguese to ‘forget any occasional disagreements and unite’ to create a ‘common front of resistance.’
Full article: http://revolting-europe.com/2012/09/25/portugals-protest-movement-unites-to-fight-the-cuts/

Portuguese workers to protest austerity policy nationwide 9/29, possible general strike


Call in portuguese:
29 de Setembro | 15 h
Terreiro do Paço | Lisboa

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