Finaliza Firenze10+10: Influencia de movimientos sociales y llamamiento a la acción común

Hoy ha concluido el Foro Social Europeo, “Firenze 10+10”, en Florencia.
El texto final, una simple llamada a movilizarse durante los proximos meses ha sido redactado por los unicos 5 voluntarios que se han ofrecido, 4 de ellos participantes de diversos movimientos 15M / Occupy. Abajo podeis ver el texto de esa llamada a la accion. El texto tiene un contenido limitado por varias razones, una, el hecho de que la mayoria de discusiones del forum no han acabado en consenso por las luchas intestinas entre sindicatos y organizaciones profesionales. Los que han acudido desde su experiencia en los movimientos sociales han hecho durante todo este proceso, una labor constructiva de facilitacion, pueden estar contentos del caracter que han mostrado, aunque esta claro que los efectos seran limitados.
Por otro lado, varios de los participantes en estos movimientos han mostrado su forma de hacer organizando una asamblea en una plaza de Florencia, a la que asisitieron entre 100 y 200 personas y que fue seguida por Bambuser y otros medios, y de la que la gente salio con buen sabor de boca, aunque esta claro que no se iba a resolver el mundo en una primera toma de contacto.
Del Foro, un compañero vuelve con la experiencia de que los sindicatos se han expuesto en muchos sentidos y los movimientos sociales de base han demostrado que tienen algo que aportar a estos procesos.
Si alguien desea mas informacion, dejad un comentario y os pondremos en contacto con personas que hayan participado directamente en el Forum.

More than 4 thousand participants, 300 networks and organisations from 28 countries from all over Europe and beyond, met at Fortezza da Basso in Florence from November 8th to 11th, to debate and strategize together for another Europe.  Over 100 meetings took place and many new networks and campaigns were launched.  A call for common action and a proposed roadmap emerged from the convergence meeting: 


Our Democracy instead of Their Austerity

Social organizations, social movements, trade unions and citizens working against austerity and debt, for natural and social commons, for social and labour rights, for democracy, global justice and peace, for gender issues and migrant rights have gathered in Florence 10+10.

We call for a European permanent mobilization to support the fights against the crisis and build a future for everyone in Europe and in the world. This mobilization will include both convergence and decentralizes actions.

The first unifying initiative towards a European-wide convergence is the General strikes and mobilisations against austerity in many countries in Europe on the 14 of November 2012.

We propose to have a common day of action on the occasion of the EU Spring Summit, which will take place in Brussels on March 23rd. The format and final call for this common mobilization will be discussed and agreed in the following months in an open and participatory process.

We call for endorsement of the following actions and mobilizations

  • 18 December 2012: World Migrants Day
  • 23-27 January 2013: Action Against Finanziarization of life and commons (actions against banks)
  • 8 March 2013: European action affirming women emancipation against austerity and debt
  • 26-30 March 2013: World Social Forum in Tunis
  • May 2013: Blockupy in Frankfurt (Germany)
  • 7-9 June 2013 (proposal): Alter Summit in Athens (Greece)
  • June 2013: G8 Counter Summit in UK (tbc)
  • Concrete solidarity actions to support the people hit by the Austerity policies as well as the victims of racist violence and abuse

All organisations and movements may endorse the actions in which to participate and the forms for doing so.


Reports from the 5 alliance spheres, appeals and other documents will be posted on the website as they are sent to:

Thanks to all who participated!

The organising committee of Firenze 10+10


Source: E-mail at regional coordination mailing list.

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