Archive for ‘May 2012’

22 September, 2012

Case dismissed for @OccupyLondon’s #M12 five

Five Occupy London supporters viewed as a threat to the reputation of the UK economy have had the cases against them thrown out of court – with every single arrest deemed unlawful by the presiding judge.

District Judge Lachhar at Hammersmith Magistrates’ Court in West London dismissed the case this week (19 September) against the M12 five who were arrested by the Royal Exchange, just over the road from the Bank of England on 12 May, at a peaceful Occupy London event.

This event, dubbed ‘Meet the 1%‘, aimed to highlight how City institutions which helped to cause the economic crisis are continuing to profit whilst the rest of society faces austerity cuts, and was timed to coincide with an international day of action marked in over 380 cities worldwide. [1]

video released by Occupy London, also shown in prosecution evidence, illustrates that the arrests made on the day were achieved only with considerable force, while the protestors remained peaceful throughout. [2] This video by You and I Films and two others by Polly Tikkle Productions are below which show raw footage of the day and the arrests.

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12 June, 2012

GlobalMay Newsletter – The last issue

Versión en Español:ón-de-cierre&Itemid=145

Please spread through all channels, his is the last NL but it is not a good bye

You are receiving this Newsletter because you are in some way related to Occupy/Occupii, or Real Democracy Now/DRY or Inidgnados/Indigné 

Dear comrades, we are happy to offer you the last issue of the newsletter that offered updates during 7 weeks related to the Global Spring actions around the world

We would like, mainly to thank you all for your participation and your support. This has just started because “Yes we can!!”

The list of cities that joined the action is very long, as it gets reflected in this map:

We are going to highlight the events from cities that sent a report of their actions after May 12th

1-Australia -Occupy Perth

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8 June, 2012

This is what democracy looks like! Prospects for the rising European movement



“There is talk of Europe’s future, and the need to harmonize banks, insurance companies, markets, businesses, police: consensus, consensus and more consensus. But in becoming  a people, doesn’t  Europe prepare us for new future in construction, perhaps a  new  ’68? “G. Deleuze

The victory of Blockupy Frankfurt

The phase of the crisis we are experiencing is characterized, in Europe, by a total redefinition of the forms of capitalist command. By now many, not only in the movements, have realized that what we are looking at the final divorce between capitalism and democracy, at the inability of capital to govern this stage without affecting social and political rights.

In recent years many movements have highlighted this situation, from the Spanish  acampadas to the “occupy movement, from the Arab spring to the tragic outcome of the crisis in Greece, whose citizens where first denied the possibility to vote a referendum on austerity measures, to then move on to Merkel’s and other European leaders direct threat during the pre-electoral talks.

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2 June, 2012

#12m15m What happened? Worldwide multimedia summary

2 June, 2012

Blockupy Beyond – Evaluation and Perspective

english below.

Blockupy Beyond – Auswertung und Perspektive

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,

Vom 16.5. bis 19.5 waren in Frankfurt am Main die Blockupy-Aktionstage.
Diese endeten mit einer internationalen Demo mit gut 30.000 Menschen. Damit
war es die größte Demo in diesem Jahrtausend in Frankfurt. Blockkupy ist
auch in vielen Bereichen der Gesellschaft angekommen. Wir waren gemeinsam
stark und haben bestimmt mehr als nur ein Zeichen gesetzt. Überschattet
wurden die Tage jedoch auch durch eine Verbotsorgie, Ausnahmezustände über
Frankfurt, massive Polizeipräsens, Verhaftungswellen und brutalen
Übergriffen von Seiten der Polizei. Dennoch haben wir zumindest medial

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11 May, 2012


Continuing to shift the discussion from austerity to economic inequality, Occupy Wall Street and dozens of NY-based organizations join global days of action, May 10th-15thBeginning on May 10th and culminating on May 15th in a mass convergence at Times Square, NYC organizations and individuals from all across the city will join together in action around the many issues we face: from cuts in social services, to an austerity agenda that redistributes your tax revenue into private hands, to the financial institutions (that we bailed out) that continue to make record profits at our expense. Actions on May 12th and 15th are in conjunction with global calls for action–coinciding with coordinated protests across Europe and the Mediterranean. Watch the video here.

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11 May, 2012

Anti-NATO messaging call from Occupy Chicago


as you now NATO is holding a summit in chicago may 19-21. Occupy Chicago has planned several actions to highlight the local effects of NATO’s global policies. check for up to date info, for more information.

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9 May, 2012

#OccupyManchester MON$T£R MADN€$$ MAY12 PROMO

Occupy Manchester in the UK will be staging an art activism event in Piccadilly Gardens in the City, from 2pm on 12M in solidarity with the Occupy Movement Worldwide.

3 May, 2012

[EN-ES] MAY 12TH GlobalMay Statement

You are free to borrow/copy partially and completely, make any modifications and share, spread, promote, amend ad hoc.

There is also a thread at the discussion area if we want to do debate there:


MAY 12TH GlobalMay Statement

We are living in a world controlled by forces that are no longer capable to give freedom and dignity to the world´s population (if they were ever capable to do so). A world where it is told to us that there are no alternatives to the loss of rights, achieved with very hard and long struggles by previous generations.

We find ourselves in a world in which success is opposed to essential values of humanity, such as solidarity and mutual support. Moreover, anything that does not promote competitiveness, selfishness and greed is seen as dysfunctional. This immoral ideology is reinforced by the monopoly of the mainstream media, the instruments that create the necessary consensus around this unfair and unsustainable system.

But we have not remained silent. Our consciousness has awaken, and have joined to a wave of collective consciousness which is spreading light in every corner of the world. From Tunisia to Tahrir Square, from Madrid to Reijkiavik, from New York to Brussels, people have risen up in the Arab Spring, in the dignity of Iceland, in the wrath of 15M or the Occupation of Wall Street. Together we have denounced the current situation of the world. Our effort has served to state that enough is enough, and it has begun to push changes forward worldwide.

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3 May, 2012

Help us break the media silence about M1

> Comrads!
> After what I think was a huge triumph yesterday, I wake up today to find
> that (unsurprisingly) the mainstream media has decided to almost completely
> ignore our M1 celebrations, the huge mass of people that hit the streets,
> the series of protests, workshops, pickets and marches that took over the
> day and the tons of powerful and hopeful scenes that seem to signal the
> coming of a militant spring/summer. So, in true OWS fashion, we must be the
> change we wish to see, and flood the airspace with our media.
> Which is why we've decided to launch an *emergency campaign to collect
> testimonies, opinions and observations of all of those that took the
> streets yesterday* around the country to publish them on IndigNación (
> We would like to turn this into an opportunity to
> turn our new platform into a real space of dialogue between what we know
> are very different perspectives within our community -- and I'm not talking
> exclusively of the Latino community. Although our content is exclusively in
> Spanish, we want to hear from everyone. Texts in English (or any other
> language, for that matter) will be translated and posted in both. Let's
> fill the silence of corporate media with the voices of the people!
> *PLEASE* take 15 minutes from your day today to write us at least a few
> sentences about what you saw, heard, thought or felt yesterday. Also,
> please share this email with all of your friends who were on the streets
> yesterday here in New York or in any part of the world, celebrating
> International Worker's Day. If you have photos or videos you want to share,
> we'd also love to see them. You can send all of your contributions to
> and we ask that you please do it *TODAY if
> possible*.
> much love to you all and onwards!

> **
> *¡Conéctate! *

Source: email at squares mailing list.