Archive for ‘YoSoy132’

7 December, 2012

Press release by #YoSoy132Barcelona in regard to #1Dmx events

[Català abaix]

[Deutsche unten]

To the People of Mexico and the world

To the Global Civil Society

Last Saturday, December 1, since 7am, several police corps made ​​excessive use of force against comrades who were exercising their right to demonstrate against the presidential inauguration of Enrique Peña Nieto.

The Legal Committee and Human Rights # Yosoy132 (COJUDH) has denounced ( that during the mobilizations intense violence took place against organizations, who went to San Lázaro (House of Representatives) to express their displeasure by using their full rights to free speech and free expression on public roads. It states the climate of intimidation against activists and many other citizen’s organizations that wanted to protest.

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5 December, 2012

Comunicado de #YoSoy132Barcelona ante los acontecimientos del #1Dmx

A los pueblos de México y del mundo.

A la sociedad civil internacional.

El pasado sábado 1 de diciembre, desde las siete de la mañana, diversos cuerpos policiales hicieron uso desmedido de la fuerza contra compañeras y compañeros que ejercían su derecho de manifestación en contra de la toma de protesta de Enrique Peña Nieto.

El Comité Jurídico y de Derechos Humanos #Yosoy132 (COJUDH) ha denunciado ( que durante las movilizaciones se vivió una jornada de intensa violencia en contra de las organizaciones que acudieron a expresar su descontento haciendo uso de su derecho pleno a la libre expresión y a la libre manifestación en las vías públicas. En él se señala el clima de intimidación hacia los activistas y ciudadanos de diversas organizaciones que pretendían manifestarse.

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3 December, 2012

Statement /Comunicado #YoSoy132 Internacional

[Castellano más abajo]

Mexico City, December 2nd, 2012

To all the countries of the world,
To Mexicans living abroad

After 12 years of a fake democratic transition, on December 1st the old Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) presidential candidate, Enrique Peña Nieto, took office in Mexico. And just as expected, the PRI used once again the dirty strategies that made them the “perfect dictatorship.” 

As the “YoSoy132″ movement rose as the main oposition against the old regime in the middle of the election campaign, this movement became the main target of negative campaigning, set up by the makers of the Tlatelolco massacre of 1968, this time with the help of Mexican mass media, the ones that control and manipulate most of the information that the people gets, and with the help of the Mexico City government, fronted by Marcelo Ebrard.

The illegitimacy of the new government was made clear when the President office´s police mounted a large metal wall around the Congreso building, the place where the new president was meant to take office. The illegitimacy of the new government was made clear when the former president had to transfer the power to Enrique Peña Nieto in a small, discrete ceremony in the President´s house at Los Pinos at midnight on December 1st.

Within an operation that violated the human rights and the free speech rights of the Mexican people, Enrique Peña Nieto´s government produced today more than 40 people injured being taken to hospitals, and about 200 arrested citizens.

Yosoy132 International asks for all the movement groups abroad -as well as for every Mexican citizen who is aware and upset about the last events- to join the international campaign in demand for the immediate and unconditional liberation of all the people arrested during the protests, and of all the people who has not showed up after the protests. We demand the indemnization for the damages, we demand respect to individual guarantees, and we demand punishment for the culprits of commanding those unlawful arrests.

Our campaign will start with a march on Monday, December 3, 14:00 PM starting at “Angel de la Independencia” and heading to the Zocalo of Mexico City, as well as in every Embassy, Diplomatic office and Main square in the world.

Mexican society, upset because of the Mexican democracy robbery by a small politician elite with the Enrique Peña Nieto office take, witnessed social protests from a big part of the Mexican society. Many social organizations and groups, including “Yo soy 132″, took the streets to show we are not afraid. Our resistance against the new government and their moves just started. 

They showed from day one that PRI equals violence.

For an authentic democracy in Mexico,

#YoSoy132 Internacional

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14 November, 2012

Comunicado de @Global132 en apoyo a la huelga general europea del #14N

México, D.F., 14 de Noviembre de 2012.


Hoy 14 de noviembre los pueblos de Europa se han levantado contra la Europa del capital. El multitudinario seguimiento en múltiples ciudades de este continente demuestran que la gente está cansada de un sistema inhumano, que saca a la gente de sus casas, deja a los niños sin escuelas y a los enfermos sin hospitales. ¡Europa está diciendo YA BASTA! No más pagar con la pobreza del 99% los excesos y lujos de una minoría que HOY tiene miedo. Los excesos policiales que se repiten en diferentes ciudades europeas son una señal de un sistema que se está derrumbando. Mientras tanto, la movilización de la sociedad europea nos enseña que la opción viene de abajo, de una sociedad organizada que ha decidido tomar en sus manos el control de sus futuro.

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2 October, 2012

#2deOctubreNoSeOlvida Paro Nacional estudiantil

28 September, 2012

Global Revolutionary Agenda – October in Mexico




Toma del zócalo de la Ciudad de México – We will take the Zocalo of Mexico City, #OccupaZócalo #OccupyMx


Huelga nacional estudiantil popular y laboral con diversas actividades recordando de la matanza del 2 de octubre de 1968 y Marcha Nacional– National strike. Student and labor and popular with various activities recalling the massacre of October 2, 1968 and National March #2deoctubrenoseolvida


#OcupaCervatino Toma del festival cultural más importante de la lengua española- We will take the most important cultural festiva of the Spanish language


Toma de las Televisoras Nacionales – We will take the television #OcupaTv


Toma de la Bosa de Valores– Take the Stock Exchange



Toma de Radiodifusoras– We will take the broadcasters



Toma de la prensa escrita– We’ll take what newspapers



Toma de la Secretaría de Hacienda – Take the Ministry of Finance



Marcha nacional por la dignidad de los pueblos originales – National March for the dignity of the original peoples


#RUIDOGlobal #GolbalNOISE en todas las ciudades – in all cities

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16 September, 2012

What is #globalNOISE?

#globalNOISE: It was first proposed by spanish #15M activists on and is now supported by several people & groups from the whole globe, for example from, Canada, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, Slovenia, Sudan, South Korea. Its main goal is to create a feeling of solidarity between all the global movements (ie. #occupy #15m #yosoy132 #casseroles #G20 #Arabspring #russianrevolution #Sudanrevolts #greece #manifencours).

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29 July, 2012

Crónica del cerco pacífico a #Televisa: un éxito rotundo de #yosoy132

En un hecho sin precedente, el movimiento #YoSoy132 impuso durante 24 horas un cerco pacífico pero contundente a las instalaciones de Televisa Chapultepec, para protestar contra las mentiras y la manipulación informativa del consorcio de Emilio Azcárraga Jean. Lo lograron.

A pesar de los obstáculos ajenos y de las propias fallas de los convocantes, la acción fue calificada por los organizadores deéxito rotundo.

El cerco policiaco impuesto en torno a las calles aledañas a la sede de la televisora, el cansancio propio de la larga jornada (que se inició antes de las 19 horas del jueves en el Monumento a la Revolución), las incomodidades de pernoctar en plena vía pública, la desorganización que por momentos se dio en algunos puntos, la falta de personas para completar las vallas humanas y el exceso en otros sitios fueron sólo algunos de los contratiempos que los manifestantes lograron sortear.

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4 July, 2012

Mexico DF Marcha #YoSoy132, protesta por fraude, 2 de julio del 2012

Esto no se acaba hasta que se termina…

Amigas y amigos, les envío un pequeño testimonio de la Marcha del Movimiento Yo Soy 132, del 2 de julio del 2012.

Con motivo del fraude electoral realizado en las elecciones del primero de julio pasado, ahora se inician las protestas en contra de la imposición del PRI y del candidato EPN.

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2 July, 2012

STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY JULY 1, 2012 from Occupy Santa Rosa General Assembly

Solidarity Statement in English, French and Spanish.



from Occupy Santa Rosa General Assembly
to Occupy Montreal, Occupy Canada and # Yo Soy 132.

Occupy Santa Rosa stands in solidarity with you!

We are inspired by your student-led rebellion against the burden of student debt and the massive popularity that you have galvanized. Your movement is the spark that created a groundswell for new possibilities of economic and social equality.

Occupy Santa Rosa stands with # Yo Soy 132, Occupy Canada and Montreal, all people with debt, and all of Occupy as we work together to create a truly just and democratic society!

With love and solidarity,
Occupy Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa, California

Approved by OSRGA on Thursday, June 28.

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